Tinnitus Treatment for those who suffer almost always requires medication to treat.
Medical doctors hate to prescribe one of the puzzle pieces (benzodiazapenes) because the medications are tracked by pharmacies. Therefore the sufferer runs into a lot of resistance in getting a prescription they desperately need. If medical doctors only knew how little of a dose can go such a long way they might change their considerations even with pharmacy attention.
The other genre of medication most helpful for sufferer is antidepressants. Having seen some > 1000 people for tinnitus therapy and treatment I can tell you that it is tough to get someone back to silence without an SSRI like Zoloft/Prozac or next generation AD like Effexor (which just might be one of the most effective meds for depression as well).
Doctors have no trouble prescribing the A.D.'s as they aren't attended to by the pharmacist or her tracking meds.
The problem here is that A.D.'s alone typically don't do the trick. The benzodiazapene is usually required for the medication part of the puzzle. Which meds specifically?
It varies from person to person which is why the consult is crucial with therapist and MD/DO. Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan all have solid track records and are very inexpensive for clients.
Some Doctors argue that the meds in their generic form aren't as helpful as the brand names and that might be true, but we've had excellent success with alprazolam, clonazepam, and on and on along with the big brands.
Other meds?
We'll talk about them next time, so be watching.
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